Real People
Combining a love of color and people watching with a fascination with photographic composition. I prefer to shoot artistic, cultural, and musical events, as they bring out the wonder in all ages and allow any viewers a true show of personal interactions with others and the displayed art. The final products of my photography are meant to convey the good times to all to spur an interest in getting out and growing El Paso’s social events.

My favored photography genres are found at public events, street, and both natural light and studio portraiture.
In the studio, I experiment with light and bokeh in pursuit of creating unique images. Away from the studio, I hunt for moments and composition capturing people in a true expression; either in thought, wonder, or interacting with others… and occasionally cats being cats.
I like to capture images of garden life, my pets, and regional architecture to further engage creatively with photography for the purpose of hobby and eventually some framed prints.
- Event Shooting
- Unposed realism in authentic settings
- Capturing people living and interacting
- Utilizing street photography techniques
- Individualized Portraits
- Portraits as Art
- Painting with light and projections
- Real expressions and reactions
- Minimal software editing
- Unconventionally stylish lenses
I need just one more lens and then I'm good
I am a New Orleanian raised around diverse cultures with a strong appreciation for curiosity, art, and entertainment.
El Paso, Texas has been my home for the last 17 years. I live in the Franklin Mntn foothills in the scenic Rim – University neighborhood in a 1931 Spanish Revival bungalow with untamed cottage gardens and a detached garage art studio.
I am an enthusiast photographer with a need to create and a moderate gear acquisition affliction that I supplement with an occasional compensated shoot. For now, my shooting availability is currently limited by the constraints of my non-photography career.
Education: Dallas College (AA) is where I learned to shoot and develop B&W film. My interest in cultural and behavioral studies was nurtured at UTEP (BMS). I continued my study of human behavior and persuasive media by achieving a degree in Strategic Communications (MA) and a grad cert in Advanced Social and Digital Media at Texas Tech.
Raised on neon
Combining a love of people-watching, wonder with color, with a fascination with storytelling composition. I prefer to cover artistic, cultural, and musical events, as they bring out the wonder in all ages and allow any attentive viewers a true show of personal interactions with others and the displayed art. The final products of my photography are meant to convey the good times to anyone who did not attend, and hopefully spur an interest in growing El Paso’s social events.
I right amount of photography equipment is x=n+1
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Respect the gear and the scene. While all art should have a space and a voice, I aspire to incorporate minimal post-production altering to my photography. The sensor, settings, lighting, and glass will be the dominate creators of the image, and not the editing software. A bit of noise is okay.
Two exceptions:
1) Converting images to B&W as envisioned when shooting.
2) Experimenting with in-built camera JPEG creative / art filters. Those come from the camera and are meant to be unserious. Going out and intentionally shooting in an ART mode is true to the camera.